
Value Added Personality Investments

The art of investment does not start and end with financial investments alone; because true value does not lie in money neither can it be fully expressed entirely in financial terms. Investing in people, value added investment in social and community development, is what I am talking about.

It is unjust to measure one’s net worth exclusively based on how much they own financially but rather in how much people they have positive or negative influential effect upon either directly or indirectly. The more people you affect and influence positively the stronger you become (the opposite is true), the more people you genuinely win on your side –without force, intimidation, extortion or seduction – the more powerful you become. People should come to your side willingly they should love you first because you love them first before they loved you.   However, some methods of winning people to your side as we see in many political arenas are not permanent, because your methods of wining people’s heart are not based on trust, respect and loyalty towards you. If you win people to your side through unorthodox means it will always come back to haunt you.

People should not feel intimidated if they do not want to join your camp, they have to do it out of their independent choice, even God does not do that, He gives people room to choose between Him and any other gods of their choice. If you are not good and people do not like you or find your ideas repulsive and dislike your products or services, they should freely express so without any fear getting sabotaged, disenfranchised or targeted violently.

The steps to innovation is when a good man presents himself, products, or services to the people and allows them to judge or criticize his work and they can get away with it without grudges. If your story is good and honorable coming from an honest individual, people will eventually buy it without reservations.

The challenge is to love people with a genuine heart, giving yourself whole-heartedly to the service of humankind without a capitalist knife behind your back. If you are really and genuinely are committed to the development and lively hood of humanity you can never lack to find anything to give to the world out of the abundance your heart, no matter how much little you own in material. The issue is not in material giving, the enlightened people know this that giving does not start and end in giving material gifts.


There are many aspects of life in which you can practice generosity, it could be your time, lend someone an ear, give a word of comfort to someone in grief, cause a smile to someone in pain, share your time with someone in prison, visit the hospital, help the old neighbor with her garden and all that. The list is endless a genuine person never falls short of opportunities to give.

Now the more people you reach out to the more are they who are going to love and support you, the more powerful you become, thereby making a name for yourself until you become a famous personality. Although the numbers of your distractors may also be growing at the same time, they can but never grow beyond the number of your friends, brethren, followers and loyalists. You develop in your area of work to a level where your name becomes a reckoned brand of choice that calls for brand management skills to be implemented same way it is required with any commercial brand.

The woman, who is consciously dedicated to the transformation and development of humankind, can never run short of ideas to input in human development initiatives. There is always something you can do with your life to help the world, to improve the lives of the suffering. The moment you resolve in your heart to say, “This is who I am and this is what I am going to do” your mind begins to open up to such innovative ideas and begins to show you the direction and wisdom on how you can help others. The matter no longer dependent on how much money you have in your wallet or how much you do not have in your bank account, it is not about the availability of resources or the lack thereof that affects your initiative. What really affects your initiative is the lack of a heartfelt desire to help people and make the world a better place.


Love The Good You

You got to love everything about yourself and concentrate all your attention upon such things you love about yourself. Fill your heart and all your mind with thoughts of love. Engulf yourself, focus on what’s good about you, fill every space with positivity, that way hatred and strife is squashed out of your life before you know it.

You gotta love yourself love what you do, don’t fight with evil, don’t hate anything you think is wrong with you, just work out the muscle on what’s good and concentrate with laser like focus upon it. Perfect your skills on what you do good, polish your positive traits,let them shine to the world. That way the negative muscle is soon weakened over powered.

Don’t try and stop doing what you know is not right about you, don’t hate that, because after all know one is perfect and God knows that. Just sweep it aside forget about it as if it never existed at all, like weeds lacking the sunshine they eventually wither out of your life. And don’t make extra effort to try and please people because they will notice and that won’t always go right with everybody. Rather just be yourself the good you, be happy with yourself and the same people will love that about you. Who doesn’t love a happy person every sensible human does.

You gotta love your skin, the color of your hair, the bald patch, hey don’t be ashamed with one precious creation that God took his time to bring out so perfect. God doesn’t create His people like we do on industrial assembly lines, that’s why every one of His masterpieces is unique. You may look like your mum but you ain’t exactly like your mom, there are a whole lot of differences between you two. Don’t let other people stamp on your emotions and ruin your confidence, you should know that you are the main man. Everyone who hates you, they got something wrong in their minds, they need help. But the trick is you don’t win them over by fighting them, but through love, don’t try to behave as if you love them, I’m talking about genuine love, because anything that is fake is not right, that will eventually be flown back to your face.

So the game is to show some love, show some goodness, don’t over do it cause otherwise the law of reversible reaction will take it toll on you. And that will end in frustration, disappointments, depressions and all that bad stuff you know. Just love and love more, never hate, you may dislike something but never hate, the feeling of hatred is never good for the heart. Hatred destroys, it breaks things it breaks your heart ,it breaks other peoples hearts, it breaks everything.

Before you learn to love others start by loving yourself, then you will finish by loving your neighbor like you love your own self.

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.


Sometimes its not easy…

Sometimes you have to fight like a devil, in order to protect like an Angel.

You can not just sit and wait for the heavens to get involved while your destiny is slipping away through your fingers. You can’t let the devil rob you in broad day light.

Sometimes you just need to be aggressive, don’t just roar back to the devil, go ahead and threaten his very existence. He must take his dirty grip from off your life, he just have to let you go.

You cant remain a spectator in life, cheering others carrying on while you sit on the bench. Rise up..take your weapons of war, go fear not..go, confront your situation.

Behind the thicket ther is a door wide open for you. Never mind the enemies arrows, the thorns and bushes pricking at you right now, just carry on fight your way through the thicket.

There is a light at the other end of the tunnel, there you shall catch a new breath of fresh air, your soul shall be satisfied. You shall be contented of your hunger.

But sometimes its not easy….

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.


The World In Your Sense

We don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are: that is to say we perceive the world in terms of our senses.

For example, the animals in the animal kingdom, the rattle snake perceive the world in terms of heat radiation, which is different from the sperm whale which perceives the world in terms of sound waves.

As an individual, you have got your own unique way of interpreting the world around you, and that influences the way you react to every situation that faces you.

Its either “How does the world look like “or “how do you think the world looks like”.

Here the lesson is : Learn to program your mind for the best perception. Of the world around you. Think positive, and you see a positive world around you!

Thank you.

Spiritual Growth 2


Spiritual Growth requires you to put away something before you start gathering in something. Put away the old wine put away the old man, the old leaven and anything defiled that is within your tent. Before you draw towards God, you start by pulling away from sin. Throw away the ridiculous, draw away from the obnoxious and destroy the mediocre. You do not build The Alter of God alongside the altar of demons. First, you burn down the altar of idols before you build the altar of God.

It involves throwing away filthy magazines, avoiding bad television shows and cutting away wrong connections for these are some of the first steps towards spiritual growth. It takes a conscious deliberate step to say I am going to stop this and that; I will not eat this or drink that, playing in this or going to that.

Start by unwiring the old habits before you rewire the new habits. Over-wiring will short circuit your life. (29/6/2016)

Spiritual Growth


Spiritual Growth takes a conscious deliberate effort to go through the exercises. It is not simply an easy go; the devil will not let you go without a fight. You fight with your unwilling body until it starts willing. You fight with your unfavourable circumstances until they become favourable. You will find that not many things are in support of the spiritual journey that you are traveling, they set snares upon your path. They want you to trip and fall.

The scripture Ephesians 6:12 says

we do not fight against flesh and blood

, it was written from this basis. It is actually a battle, do not say that it is just your body unwilling to respond to your desire to grow spiritually; there is a spirit hiding behind that denial. Those spirits causes the body to feel discomfort whenever you have to pray, read the Bible or fast.

Spiritual growth demands you to step out of the comfort zone, wire up your performance towards God. Always take the initiative to seek God, take that initial step and he takes two steps towards you. If you seek after the Lord, He finds you. (29/6/16).

Guard Your Mind


A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. Matthew 12:35 KJV

Change Is You

Change Is You

Sunday 17 January 2016 in Journal Notes

Have you ever gone through a situation where you grow tired of your current state of affairs, everything seems stuck in a monotonous environment and you wish if something could change. You think change will brighten the lights and send into oblivion the dull routine of your everyday life. You have many times attempted to bring this change but you have failed, hence you are now beginning to lose your energy. Listen now I have this to say: before you once again start fussing with people and things around you, have you ever wondered why they are stubborn, why are they resisting you, and why would they not buy your point of view?

It is of essence to note that personal circumstances will only begin to change right from the moment you begin to change yourself. Here I am talking of real transformation, that comes from inside you and that change which comes from within, is only the one that carries the power to change the external circumstances. Lacking this internal transformation no matter how much you may speak and declare positive proclamations as loudly as you can, nothing is really going change. To the outside world, everything knows that these are just empty hypocritical assertions, nothing much really responds to such dissimulation.

Therefore, the change that you want to see in others must begin with you. Internal psychological transformation of the mind inside you is what you really need to start by working out to develop a very strong moral fiber for a positive perception of yourself by others.  Otherwise, your messages would be as dark clouds without rains, tossed about by the winds, high sounding but does not deliver the required change. Any word that you speak intending to drive people in a certain direction, but does not carry a deep personal conviction – such speech cannot motivate anyone – otherwise it is regarded as nagging.

” If I try to use human influence strategies and tactics on how to get other people to do what I want, to work better, to be more motivated, to like me and each other — while my character is fundamentally flawed, marked by duplicity and insincerity — then, in the long run, I cannot be successful.  My duplicity will breed distrust, and everything I do — even using so-called good human relations techniques — will be perceived as manipulative.  It simply makes no difference how good the rhetoric is or even how good the intentions are; if there is little or no trust, there is no foundation for permanent success.  Only basic goodness gives life to technique.”  says Stephen R. Covey  in his famous book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

Unless you go through a process of personal transformation, nothing of the world around you is going to change much. He who cannot govern his own body cannot govern a city. If you are yearning to see change in your environment, be the change you want to see!



Stand In Awe

Wednesday 4 November 2015 in Journal Notes

Psalms 4:4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still.

The given scripture is taken from the book of the Psalms of David, and I would like to explore and draw some lessons out of it to understand what the writer was trying to express to the world when he penned this verse. When he says stand in awe, means he is asking me to be a spectator while God does His wondrous works before me. This time I am not being asked to do anything, but to take a pause and watch while he demonstrates His glory before my eyes.

This is a call to all of us. Yet while we stand watching in an overwhelming feeling of admiration he is asking us to avoid sin, why is that now? This is so because sin blinds us, sin will restrain us from witnessing and experiencing the full glory of God in our lives. He wants us to experience his express glory in our lives but because of sin we limit Him in His ability to extensively operate since we will not be able to appreciate all the glory he wants us to see. It is not as if sin hinders God, but it hinders us to acknowledge his good works, sin color blinds our eyes.

God is able to express his full glory to any degree He desires to express before our eyes whether we have sin or not, but because the audience is not readily prepared to receive, He therefore doesn’t force it on you. Therefore because of sin we are unable to see the full glory of the work that God is willing to do. What would be the point of showing a blockbuster movie in a theatre full of blind people, God is not wasteful thus He directs his full resources to those who are ready to receive him.

Therefore we ought to clean ourselves up, put away our sin, and we shall stand in awe as the Lord shall visit us and express His glory before us and we shall be able to contain the full capacity of His blessing upon our lives. Many blessings are going wasted because our spiritual capacity is so small, our spiritual wombs and reservoirs are loaded with other things, being the seeds and fruits of sin and the Lord is ready to bless us yet He can’t because we are carrying something in our hands, yes our hands are full all ready.

Go on, give up sin and receive the full portion of your blessing from the Lord. Remove sin from your store houses, remove hatred, fornications, grudges, backbiting for they are hindering your blessings, learn to forgive, love one another, thou shall not speak evil of thy neighbor, and curse not thy brother. With the same measure of blessing that has been given unto you so shalt thou bless those that spitefully use and persecute you, let them hate you, it is their sin not yours, be ye not partakers of their sin by hating them back.

BE STILL:The words “be still”: here represents tranquility, serenity, and peace, as when God said unto Moses and said “Stand still and you shall see the salvation of the lord” it is the same as is echoed in the following scriptures :Psalms_46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth.Mark_4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Here now we are being encouraged to be still; standing still in the presence of God is a virtuous skill that is lacking in today’s church, we are busy running out and about on our endless church programs, and yet we forget the most essential and core ingredient of our duty in the Kingdom of God: which is worship. The Lord is asking us to calm our minds and our bodies, and listen to the call of that inner voice which is divine and we shall know that he is God. Behold He is standing by the door knocking to whom may open unto Him, and only unto him who is able to calm the noise of the hustle and bustle from today’s television programs, todays lifestyle and fashions, fancy churchy programs that resembles God but denying the power thereof, and shall hear the Lord knocking and unto him alone, shall the lord come unto and dine with him.

Take a pause, be still, put away sin and stand in awe before the presence of the Lord and you shall experience a glorious moment of a lifetime.

Labor Not For The Flesh

Thursday 27 August 2015 in Journal Notes


John 6:27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

The scripture instructs that we should cease from labouring for material gains, because they perish they do not sustain us into eternity. In other words, it reflects that material gains are not so difficult to acquire that they should be “laboured” for.  They are the easiest to achieve it does not need one to go into labour to acquire them because they just come through normal work, it is not anything that should be toiled and laboured for and you don’t have to sweat it out chasing after wealth. Mathew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? In other words Jesus is encouraging us to take it easy and be rest assured that we are surely covered.

Therefore does it mean that we should not work for a living? So one would ask, and my answer is this:  Work: yes, but labour: no. We should work for that is a universal obligation bestowed upon every man and woman under the sun, but labouring was never meant for any man to endure. 2Thesalonians 3:10 for even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 2Thesalonians 3:12 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command these people and warn them to lead orderly lives and work to earn their own living. [GNB]. The Bible doesn’t encourage us to be lazy, sit down in one place and do nothing at all.

So then where does this idea of labouring come from? Labouring for bread came as a result of sin after the fall of Adam and Eve and caused the ground receiving a curse because of man and it yielded no fruit. Look at it this way; already Adam was given by God a garden to work in and his work was simply to organize, maintain and beautify it, yet the garden on its own it was already fruitful. Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Now the next part of our theme scripture (John 6:27) instructs us then to labour for that blessing which sustains us into eternal life and that meat is spiritual. This is therefore what and only that which we are essentially required to labour and toil for: the fruit of the spirit. For being spiritually positioned in the right place, you are able to attract material wealth and anything that you desire. That is why it is an error that happens under the sun; to see men toiling and labouring for the natural meat which perishes. Men and women of God failing to find time to work for the development of their spirits through prayer and reading the word because they are coming home tired and weary after a hard day’s work. This is an error, where we are missing the point, for that is what the bible calls labouring for the meat which perishes.

Yet now let us see Jesus, himself setting us an example on how and for what we should labour for, we see him labouring for that meat which endures to everlasting life, we see Jesus groaning in prayer, sweating out his heart before God until his perspiration appeared like blood. Luke 22:44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Jesus in labour, we never heard of him labouring in the carpenter’s workshop. On another occasion we see him on the sea coast talking to Simon and Andrew after they had laboured all night and their nets yielded no fruits because they were applying the wrong formula the whole time, but Jesus turned the whole situation around.

Inability to do the work of God because of our jobs, pursing carrier ambitions at the cost of our spiritual lives, hampers our ability to succeed in the God ordained way of success. Now that we have discovered the secret it shall always be easy for you when it comes to achieving results and goals. Do the work of God first and let him do your work and see if you won’t be promoted in your carrier path, your business or whatever it is that you do.

Workout your spiritual muscle more than you do your physical, because your spiritual strength can achieve you more within a short space of time than you could ever achieve by labouring in the physical. Take time to read and meditate upon the Word of God, in prayer and fasting and you shall see where the spirit can take you. Dedicate, enslave and  imprison  yourself to the work of God, don’t ask for release, don’t demand your rights , just do what you ought to do for the acquisition of the bread that endures unto everlasting life, do it whole heartedly and you shall surely be rewarded the fruit of righteousness both in this world and the world to come.

Thus Jesus said in another place that “Seek ye first His kingdom and everything else shall be added unto you” [Mat6:25 – 34]. In the same sense we notice that we should labour to enter His rest, we are not being asked to labour for material gains rather they shall surely be added as bonus for seeking after the Kingdom of God. The message still remains, labour not for the flesh, for He says “Come and I shall give you rest” that is rest from all your labours of the flesh for the temporary meat which perishes.

After learning this that it is not profitable to labour for natural meat then the people went on and asked “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” [Joh 6: 28], John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them,” This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent”. Hebrews 4:3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he saidHebrews 4:10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Hebrews 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

So to summarize, here goes the formula: seek ye first the kingdom of God by believing Him whom he has sent, whom by believing we enter into His rest by ceasing from the works and labours of the flesh and rather labour for that rest which is spiritual and all things that we should have otherwise physically laboured for shall be added unto us, while we rest.

Work is the gift of God unto men but labour is a curse.